As we look to 2024, prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to sow generously into the ministry of St. Peter's this next year. Whether you are a member of St. Peter's or are worshipping with us online, we invite you to join in what God is doing in bringing new life to our church and our city. Fill out this pledge form by November 19 so we can plan wisely for next year. Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a pledge?
A pledge is financial commitment to the church in the upcoming year. This helps us know what to expect in our budget and plan our ministry year. We also include opportunities for service in our pledge season.
Who should pledge?
Everyone! Whether you’re new to the parish or a longtime parishioner, whether you worship online or in-person, if you consider St. Peter's your church home, you are part of the body of Christ and when you contribute, the whole is stronger!
How much do I pledge financially?
Scripture gives us a biblical guideline of giving 10% of one's income. This can provide guidance for us or be a goal to aspire to if we're not in a place where we can contribute 10%. You could pledge 5% or 1% of your income, or spend time in prayer and ask God for a number or percentage. The most important thing is that we are growing in our trust in God for God's provision as we practice generosity with our resources and just take a step!
Where does the money go?
100% to ministry - clergy, staff, worship, hospitality, outreach, programs, administrative support, all that goes with being a well-functioning community, and of course, the home in which our ministry is housed!
Ok, I'm in. What now?
Fill out the pledge card using this form or pick up a form at church and submit by November 19.
How do I fulfill my pledge?
You can fulfill your 2024 pledge by scheduling automatic payments on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly basis via Zelle (no fees attached). Look for "St. Peter's Episcopal Church, New York, NY" and email [email protected]. You can also give via your credit card on our website giving platform Realm (3% processing fee).
Additionally, you can fulfill your pledge in person by mailing a check to our church address or putting a check/cash in the offering plate during service or the offering box in the back of the sanctuary. If you give cash, please make sure to put it in an envelope with your name on it!
You can donate proceeds from stock. Email Kelly Parker at [email protected] for information in how to do so.
What if my financial situation changes?
We understand that your financial situation may change and there is a ton of grace. Just reach out to us and let us know.
Other ways to give:
Give in person
Offering plates during service or offering box at the back of the sanctuary.
Give by mail
Make checks payable to St. Peter's Chelsea
346 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
Zelle/Chase Quickpay
Recipient: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, New York, NY
Email: [email protected]
Email Kelly Parker at [email protected]
A pledge is financial commitment to the church in the upcoming year. This helps us know what to expect in our budget and plan our ministry year. We also include opportunities for service in our pledge season.
Who should pledge?
Everyone! Whether you’re new to the parish or a longtime parishioner, whether you worship online or in-person, if you consider St. Peter's your church home, you are part of the body of Christ and when you contribute, the whole is stronger!
How much do I pledge financially?
Scripture gives us a biblical guideline of giving 10% of one's income. This can provide guidance for us or be a goal to aspire to if we're not in a place where we can contribute 10%. You could pledge 5% or 1% of your income, or spend time in prayer and ask God for a number or percentage. The most important thing is that we are growing in our trust in God for God's provision as we practice generosity with our resources and just take a step!
Where does the money go?
100% to ministry - clergy, staff, worship, hospitality, outreach, programs, administrative support, all that goes with being a well-functioning community, and of course, the home in which our ministry is housed!
Ok, I'm in. What now?
Fill out the pledge card using this form or pick up a form at church and submit by November 19.
How do I fulfill my pledge?
You can fulfill your 2024 pledge by scheduling automatic payments on a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly basis via Zelle (no fees attached). Look for "St. Peter's Episcopal Church, New York, NY" and email [email protected]. You can also give via your credit card on our website giving platform Realm (3% processing fee).
Additionally, you can fulfill your pledge in person by mailing a check to our church address or putting a check/cash in the offering plate during service or the offering box in the back of the sanctuary. If you give cash, please make sure to put it in an envelope with your name on it!
You can donate proceeds from stock. Email Kelly Parker at [email protected] for information in how to do so.
What if my financial situation changes?
We understand that your financial situation may change and there is a ton of grace. Just reach out to us and let us know.
Other ways to give:
Give in person
Offering plates during service or offering box at the back of the sanctuary.
Give by mail
Make checks payable to St. Peter's Chelsea
346 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
Zelle/Chase Quickpay
Recipient: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, New York, NY
Email: [email protected]
Email Kelly Parker at [email protected]